Friday, April 18, 2008

Titles for Rumsfeld's autobiography

Posted By on Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 10:03 AM

It's been a big week for our old friend Rummy. First, Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced he is writing his autobiography. A couple of days later, the National Defense Institute, a Defense Department research center, released a blistering report that calls the Iraq war "a major debacle" and places most of the blame on Rumsfeld. I wonder if the new report will show up in Rummy's book, or if he'll outsource that chapter to Paul Bremer or maybe a mercenary squad of writers from Blackwater. However the book is being written, the Ruminator apparently hasn't picked a title for it yet. Here are a few helpful suggestions:

Grandpa Rambo

Planning Is for Pussies

Oopsy! Sorry Your Boy Is Dead

Golly Gosh Darn It!

Osama Who?

So Much for Democracy

If Only We'd Tortured More

Such A Deal! How I dispatched Saddam for a mere 4000 American lives

And my favorite, from Salon's Scott Bateman: War Crimes for Dummies.


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