Friday, October 16, 2015

Lunch Break (10/16/15): Friday morning fire at gas station caught on video

Posted By on Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 11:30 AM

A man escaped a fire unharmed this morning after a static speak reportedly ignited gasoline he was attempting to pour into a gas can. The fire happened at the BP on Mt. Holly-Huntersville Road where it meets Harris Boulevard. It was caught on surveillance video, as can be seen in the tweet below. No one was harmed in the incident. Six pumps are still closed, reportedly, but the gas station remains open. 

Several news outlets began reporting that Wilkinson Boulevard was shut down going both ways just before 11 a.m. this morning due to an apparent shooting that brought a heavy police presence to the road near Morehead Street. It is unclear at this time what happened, but multiple outlets reported that someone was taken into custody on a stretcher.
UPDATE: From a statement about the incident released by CMPD: " A Metro Division patrol officer was on patrol when she attempted to assist the motorist of a disabled vehicle in the 2100 block of Wilkinson Boulevard. As the officer approached, she recognized the vehicle as a stolen vehicle that was taken during a home invasion last week. As the officer approached the motorist, he produced a firearm. The officer immediately deployed her taser which was unsuccessful in disabling the armed suspect. A struggle ensued before both the officer and the suspect exchanged gunfire. The suspect then continued to run and fire the weapon in the direction of the officer. During the struggle the officer sustained a non-life threatening injury to her hand. As the suspect was crossing Wilkinson Boulevard, he unsuccessfully attempted to carjack several motorists. Additional officers arrived on scene and were able to locate the male nearby and take him in to custody without further incident. The suspect was transported to the hospital with minor injuries. At this point of the investigation, it does not appear that the suspect was struck by gunfire during the shooting."

Common Grounds, a farm stand run by volunteers in Myers Park that raised funds for the urban Ministry Center, announced this morning that it will not re-open after struggling to find a new location over the summer. The stand, which ran since 2009, raised over $200,00 for UMC. A marketing team representing the stand said it has handed over its logo, trademark and list of vendors to UMC, and implied that the homeless resource center might re-open the stand some time in the future. 

Two men are dead after shooting each other following an argument on The Plaza yesterday afternoon. Police responded to an assault call and found two men suffering from gunshot wounds. Daquan Alston was pronounced dead on the scene, and another man was transported to CMC Main, where he was later pronounced dead. 

The North Carolina Board of Elections removed Malcolm Butner from his position as chairman of the Rowan County Board of Elections following posts deemed as racist and offensive. Butner has served as chairman of the Rowan board for two and a half months, but the posts that led to his removal date back two years. One post ends with the statement, "to hell with the Lesbos, Queers, Liberals and baby killers," while another implied that black people were attending Moral Monday rallies because they did not have jobs and were not productive. The state board voted 3-2 to remove Butner. 

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