Monday, December 17, 2012

Bobcat player's wife arrested in brawl

Posted By on Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 12:35 PM

Sounds like (Bob) kitty's got claws.


Jamie Patrice Thomas, wife of Bobcats forward Tyrus Thomas, was arrested last week after a fight broke out in the parking lot of Club Label in the NC Music Factory.

According to the Charlotte Observer:

A woman told officers that her purse had been taken during an altercation, and that the suspect was in a nearby vehicle. Police said Jamie Thomas was the driver of that vehicle and that she tried to leave the scene and struck the security guard a second time.

Police said Thomas then disobeyed orders from officers to get out of the car. Officers then broke the driver side window of the car and opened the vehicle's door, police said in a news release.

Thomas faces multiple charges, including driving while impaired and two counts of assault with a deadly weapon.

Read the full Observer story here.

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