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Finding HOPE during this time of uncertainty 

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First days, now weeks into the COVID-19 pandemic there is a global understanding –– this is not the twilight zone, this is our new reality. Surreal emotions. Unchartered waters. The common denominator for each of us – we are all in this together.

As we strive to remain positive, as we try to understand and offer support to others, we find the genuine DNA of humanity. This consists of patience, kindness, a serving spirit, and love that has difficult boundaries. Our human spirit is tested in ways we have never before experienced.

The plethora of information we have been inundated with and continue to receive from the medical professionals, CDC, researchers, our nation’s leaders and others who are actively involved in the effort to keep us informed can be overwhelming. How do we effectively evaluate the daily coverage and expectations without becoming stressed, anxious, bewildered? There are many ways to combat our emotions during this unprecedented time. First and certainly most importantly, we must have faith. We must have perspective. Remaining positive and consciously recognizing the need to uplift others is essential.

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These efforts are not only healthy for our psychological and emotional well-being but also serve to highlight the American spirit in our nation’s time of great need. It can be documented that the heart of humanity surrounds our country during this immeasurable time in our history.

While our health care system is compromised, our economic system fractured, our education system completely disrupted, our relationships with families and friends force us to communicate from afar and much more that is immersed in this pandemic - the need to find resolve is a constant priority. Although we have mandated lockdowns across our great country, with our kind-hearts and creativity we see the countless ways we contribute to bringing healing in many areas where there are needs. The fortitude we share will unite our communities, our cities, our states, and our country.

We must continue to be mindful of the velocity of COVID-19, the far-reaching effects that have resulted and that will continue to at some level for some time.

Let’s again define the spirit of humanity, our American way of resiliency, through this the determination we oftentimes gravitate and rely on our faith.

I encourage that we collectively be prayerful and cheer for the greater good of our society.

In the words of Reverend Dr. Billy Graham ­––

"Humanity wants comfort in its sorrow, light in its darkness, peace in its turmoil, rest in its weariness, and healing in its sickness and diseases: The Gospel gives all of this to us.”(from The Secret of Happiness)

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