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The Blotter 

Forceable Redesign:
Vandals entered a north Charlotte man's condo by prying open his front door and proceeded to redecorate parts of his kitchen and bathroom by either painting his oven, dishwasher, rugs, mirror, and electrical outlets with brown or white paint or bending and breaking them.

Memory Loss:
A woman's daughter brought home a male friend, who felt comfortable enough in his new surroundings to steal most of the woman's Xanax supply. Initially, the woman thought her daughter's friend had taken only 20 pills, but after further counting, she discovered 40 of her 5-milligram Xanax were missing. Although the man promised the woman's daughter he would return to the house, he hasn't been seen since.

Insult To Injury:
Someone drove a car through the wall of a woman's apartment, after which a city building inspector deemed her home unfit to occupy. Following the advice of her landlord, who promised that her belongings would be safe despite the gaping hole, the woman sought shelter away from her home for one night, leaving all her possessions unattended. Well, guess what. When she returned the next morning to check on her home, she discovered that thieves had plundered the apartment and taken $2,000 worth of clothes and electrical appliances.

Pit Stop:
A young man walked into a convenience store, bought a pack of cigarettes and then began wandering around the store. When he tried to leave, the clerk noticed that the customer's pants were bulging in front. He stopped the man and called police, but failed to lock the door. In the meantime, the customer pulled some candy bars, two beers and a big bag of Cheetos out of the front of his pants, hit the clerk, picked up the beers again, and scooted out the door.

For Deposit Only:
Two employees of a super store attempted to steal $707.22 and eight bank checks, but they forgot to make sure no one witnessed the theft. A fellow employee called police after watching one employee walk to the parking lot with the cash and checks and hand the property over to an accomplice. While the employee who received the cash and checks got away, police detained the employee who had ripped off the store.

Recipe For Heartburn:
A man gave a friend $40 and instructed him to bring home a dinner of pizza and wine for them to share. The offer was a bit too tantalizing, as the friend never returned with the pizza, the wine, or the money.

Fit To A Tee:
Some bold thieves backed their car up to the cargo area of a clothing store and loaded up 10 boxes of T-shirts. The 720 ash, gray, and white shirts had a total value of $575. A store employee alerted his manager after witnessing the theft, but the now well- supplied thieves drove away when he confronted them.

Big Bang Theory:
A stray firework caused $150,000 in damage to a south Charlotte apartment, and this was before the Fourth of July. Residents called the fire department after a firework landed on their balcony and ignited a piece of fabric. The fire spread rapidly and nearly destroyed the apartment. No one knows the identity of the fire-starter (except for the fireworks fiend him or herself).

Soliciting Prohibited:
When a young man answered a knock on the door of his mobile home, a woman he didn't know began talking to him and asked for someone who didn't live there. As he was chatting, another man darted around the side of the house and pointed a gun in the man's face. He responded quickly by slamming the door in the culprits' faces and then called the police.

Blotter items are chosen from the files of the Charlotte Police Department.

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