If At First You Don't Succeed...: At a department store recently, a woman selected a handbag, several articles of clothing and some jewelry before entering a dressing room. A few minutes later, she emerged wearing a new outfit and strolled out the store's exit. The store's security officer confronted the woman outside. Apparently, the woman had been arrested at the same store in March for larceny and trespassing.
Was Led Zeppelin in Town?: Shortly after arriving at work, a Charlotte hotel maintenance supervisor noticed water coming from beneath one of the room's doors. Upon entering the room, he found the shower running but no one in sight. Whoever left the shower on also apparently scrawled graffiti on the walls and bed sheets, cut up the curtains and smashed a microwave, causing a total of about $3,000 in damages. The suspect in the case had paid cash and apparently used a false name.
Hey, Pencils Are Expensive!: A young couple got into an argument about "money problems" during which time the woman struck the man in the arm with a Thermos and stabbed him several times with a pencil, causing multiple injuries.
A New Spin on Witnessing: While in a church parking lot, three guys approached a young man, began punching him and even put out a lit cigarette on his head. They then took his cash, his class ring and his car. The police recovered the stolen car soon after the incident and returned it to its battered owner. Reports did not indicate whether this ordeal made him a believer.
Gee, They Had a Cadillac: As a man and his 11-year-old daughter washed their car, two men approached them and began harassing and bullying them. One of the men grabbed money out of the little girl's hand and then stole her father's wallet. After the robbery, the two men fled in a white Cadillac.
Showdown At The Food Court: Things got entertaining in the food court of a Charlotte mall recently when a woman accosted a 20-year-old girl. The woman was apparently upset that the girl was in a relationship with the woman's son, and after a brief shouting match, she grabbed and pushed the girl into a service counter.Blotter items are chosen from the files of the Charlotte Police Department.