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401 N. Myers Street, 704-374-1565, Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 10am-6pm, Sunday 1-5pm.. Juneteenth Celebration. June 19-22 Collaborative involvement with Park and Recreation Dept. and House of Africa in commemoration of notification of Emancipation Proclamation. Through June 29 Southern Comfort: Rural Life in the 50s. Through June 29 Bridging Cultures: From Africa to Latin America. June 26 Annual membership meeting and volunteer appreciation recognition

ART 1 GALLERY AND INSTRUCTIONAL CENTER. 170 W. Franklin Boulevard, Gastonia, 704-854-8800, Hours: Tuesday-Friday, 10am-5pm; Saturday, 10am-2pm. June 5-July 25 Scenes from the Blue Highways. Exhibit features artists Cama Tadlock, Jan Yearwood, Dorothy Shoemaker, and Madeline Dukes. Opening reception June 5 from 5:30-8pm.

BANK OF AMERICA GALLERY. 214 N. Tryon Street, 704-338-3104. Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm, Saturday 10am-5pm. Through June 21 Art of Southwest and Native American Cultures.

CARNEGIE GALLERY. 704-336-2020. Through August 31 Vanishing Victorians, exhibit of photos of the grand Victorian homes found in Uptown Charlotte in 1905, contrasted with the buildings that now stand in their place. Original photos taken by Dennis Nodine.

CENTER OF THE EARTH GALLERY. 3204 N. Davidson Street, 704-375-5756, Through June 28 Paintings of Roberto Azank. Azank's minimalist compositions of ordinary objects create a sublime experience.

CHARLOTTE MUSEUM OF HISTORY. 3500 Shamrock Drive, 704-568-1774, Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday 1-5pm. Admission: $2, kids 6-12; $4, seniors and students; $6, adults. June 7 Visiting the Variety Vacationland: North Carolina's Highways and Byways. Exhibit runs Saturday 11am-4pm. June 21, 2003-June 2004 The Faces of Our State. June 21 Meet the faces behind the exhibit The Faces of Our State, 1pm-4pm. Through September Soldiers' Stories: War in the First Person

DISCOVERY PLACE. 301 N. Tryon St. 704-372-6261 The Change Game: Playing with Time. Discovery Place's newest feature exhibit, gives visitors the opportunity to speed up or slow down time. The exhibit opens May 24 and runs through Sept. 1. Hours: Monday-Friday 10am-6pm, Sat 10am-6 p.m, Sun 1-6 p.m.

EDMUND D. LEWANDOWSKI STUDENT GALLERY. At Winthrop University, 107 McLaurin Hall, Rock Hill, 803-323-4639. Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30am-5pm. Through September 5 Graphic Design Exhibition RIPE

ELMWOOD PINEWOOD CEMETERY. On 6th Street located two blocks north of W. Graham Street, 704-386-7286. Guided Walking Tour. June 21. Tour begins at 11am and lasts approximately one hour. Come learn about the man trampled by an enraged elephant on Trade Street, see confederate and fireman memorials, as well as the graves of Dr. Annie Alexander, the South's first female physician, and more.

ELIZABETH DUNLAP PATRICK GALLERY. At Winthrop University, 107 McLaurin Hall, Rock Hill, 803-323-4639. Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm. Through June 30 M.F.A. Thesis Exhibition, Doug McAbee, Jon Rajkovich

HIDELL BROOKS GALLERY. 1910 South Boulevard Suite 130, 704-334-7302. Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10am-6pm; Saturday 10am-4pm. Admission is free. June 13-July 12 Introductions Exhibit introduces eight new artists to the southeast.

HISTORIC BRATTONSVILLE. 1444 Brattonsville Road, McConnells South Carolina, 803-684-2327, Hours: Monday-Saturday, 10am-5pm; Sunday, 1pm-5pm. Admission: $6, adults; $5, senior citizens; $3, student; children 5 and under and CHC members free. June 14: Fortunes and Frolic: An Antebellum Farm Wedding. June 21: Saturday Sampler: Remarkable Reptiles. June 28: Carolina Day, Backcountry in Revolt! A Prelude to the Battle. Events begin at 10am.

JERALD MELBERG GALLERY. 3900 Colony Road, 704-365-3000, Hours: Monday-Saturday, 10am-6pm. Through July 12 the gallery will present Robert Motherwell's lithographs, etchings, ink drawings, and paintings on paper.

JOIE LASSITER GALLERY. 318 E. 9th Street, 704-373-1464, Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10am-5pm; Saturday, 1-4pm. Through June 30 the gallery will feature works from Peggy Rivers,. Maja Godlewska, Linda Fantuzzo, and Marlene Lenker. 525 N. Tryon Street. Through June 30 Fickle Ballast: Invisible Woman. Exhibit shown in the glass surrounding the Odell building. A public reception for the opening performance will take place June 6-7 as part of the gallery crawl. A closing performance will be held June 27 from 7-9pm with standing room outside the gallery only.

LEVINE MUSEUM OF THE NEW SOUTH. 200 E. Seventh Street, 704-333-1887, Hours: Tuesday-Saturday, 10am-5pm; Sunday noon-5pm. Admission: $6, adults; $17, family; $5, students and seniors. June 6 Fourth Ward Twilight Tour. Reservations required. Tour begins at 5:30pm and lasts approximately one hour. Price: $6 public, $4 members. Through June 12 The People of Highway 601, Life in the Slow Lane. This exhibit features black and white photographs of everyday life along Highway 601 taken by Lex Youngman, professor at Wingate University. June 20-August 7 Sunrise to Sunset: Mill Towns of the Southern Piedmont. Photographer Laurel Falls portrays the rise and decline of textile towns. An opening for this exhibit will be held on June 19 from 5:30pm-8:30pm. Through August 7 Cultivating Common Groundand New South Old South, Somewhere in Between. A discussion for this exhibit will occur June 24, 12pm. . Through September 29 Pen and Ink Politics: Thomas Nast's Reconstruction-era Cartoons and African American Equality.

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