Friday, April 6, 2012

Arts Flash: Q&A with Honora Jacob

Posted By on Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 9:56 AM

Honora Jacob's exploration of feminine archetypes comes alive from the vibrant colors and soothing scenes she brushes onto canvas. Her newest works are currently on display in Lark & Key Gallery's Memory and Metaphor exhibit - opening tonight (April 6) with a reception and running through May 26 - with other featured artists that include painter Duy Huynh and potter Jennifer Mecca. We spoke with Jacob about her creative process and a career shift that's left her with more time and energy to cultivate artwork.

Momentary Meditation, by Honora Jacob
  • "Momentary Meditation," by Honora Jacob

Creative Loafing: You were originally an art director. What prevented you from initially pursuing painting and what ultimately changed your career path towards painting for a living?
Honora Jacob:When I was in my first bachelor's program, I was in a general liberal arts program my freshman year. One of my art directors in an introductory design class looked at my work and just had a conversation with me about possibly pursuing commercial arts, and then I took a class in introduction to art direction the following semester that I really enjoyed it. It being more financially professional and viable, that's why I ended up pursuing it. After 22 years I just felt that in advertising, the creative staff really needs to be young and vibrant, and it felt like it was time for me to move on since I had created a situation where I could financially pursue my first passion.

What is the significance of the numbers shown in your recent work?
The numbers themselves are not specifically symbolic, but I use numbers in reference to mathematical notations. And geometric bonds are sometimes very faintly etched into the background as a symbol for the analytical mind which is classically considered the male psyche and the male mind, and it's the yin and yang of both genders as both analytical and both have intuitive sides to them, so that's why I include the mathematical notations and numbers in my paintings to represent the analytical side of the female psyche.

You seem to have a strong interest in feminine symbols. What do those images represent to you?
I think initially I was going to the butterflies because of metamorphosis and the change that you go through in life, the stages of life, childhood, pre-pubescence, teen years, young adulthood, maturity. Also butterflies seem extremely fragile and femininity has sort of been perceived as and considered fragile historically, although I believe that it's dramatically changed in current history where femininity doesn't necessarily preclude strength. I've used fruits in the past, pomegranates in particular. In Greek history it was used to represent the female, and in Greek archetypes females were very strong, as the goddesses were female. I always reference historical clothing because I'm trying to address issues of the feminine and female archetype from history and the present.

Lark & Key Gallery, 128 E. Park Ave. 704-334-4616. - Tricia Bangit

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