Tuesday, August 19, 2014

First Drip (8/19/14): Refusal to expand Medicaid will cost N.C. billions, protests in Ferguson continue, more

Posted By on Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 8:18 AM

The General Assembly's decision not to expand Medicaid in North Carolina through the Affordable Care Act will cost $51 billion in federal funds and thousands of jobs over the next decade. It's estimated that 319,000 low-income people would have received insurance had the state expanded.

After they arrived on Monday, the National Guard seems to only have stoked the flames in Ferguson. Last night marked the ninth night of protests since 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot by a police officer. Stories of whether the police are being provoked by protesters or the other way around vary, but CNN reported that a white anarchist group, not protesters, from outside Ferguson has been throwing things at police.

These kind of stories seem all too common in Florida. A grandmother there shot one of her grandchildren thinking he was an intruder. Linda Maddox and her grandchildren were sleeping in her home when she awoke to the sound of a chair sliding across the kitchen floor. Thinking it was a burglar, she grabbed a gun she kept by her bed and shot at the door, hitting her 7-year-old grandson in the upper body. He is expected to be OK.

Raising the alert level to orange, the second highest on the system, scientists think Iceland's Bardarbunga volcano is close to erupting. If and when it blows, it could lead to flooding or an emission of gas. Another volcano in Iceland that erupted in 2010 delayed air travel throughout Europe.

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