A few quick items to rant about:
Miley Cyrus has announced that she's going to remake Poison's "Every Rose Has Its Thorn." Mother of all creatures great and small, someone please make it stop. She's not talented. She's popular because of some show on Disney where little kids who haven't developed musical taste watch TV and think that everything put in front of them is "good music." Leave the '80s hair bands alone and write your own shitty music.
Speaking of which "Nodding my head like yeah, moving my hips like yeah..." - what in the blue hell does that mean? I understand that if you nod your head, you make the motion like you're saying yeah... but no 16-year-old (she just turned 17) should be singing about moving their hips... and especially not on stage in hot pants. I guess she went to the Brittney Spears school of whoring yourself out. It's only a matter of time before she attacks the paparazzi with an umbrella and shaves her head.
All of this is almost as bad as Rolling Stone magazine putting a 17-year-old guy (Taylor Lautner) in a wet t-shirt on their cover. Anyone else feel a little uncomfortable and creepy about that?
Ranting over... for now.
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