Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A cool and creamy dessert - Poogan's Peanut Butter Pie

Posted By on Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 3:49 PM

When the temperature outside rises above 80, warm desserts just don't cut it. Looking for a cool frozen dessert recipe online, I found this recipe for Poogan's Peanut Butter Pie on the Americas Cuisine web site.

This "Poogan" is the Poogan of Poogan's Porch, the famous Charleston restaurant known for their delicious low-country foods. Their Peanut Butter Pie has been described as the best thing of the menu.

The pie is easy to put together, and the only thing that needs baking is the pie crust. I took a short cut and used a frozen pre-made crust. Make sure you buy whipping cream or heavy whipping cream -- not the light whipping cream (it won't whip up easily).

If you want to cut some calories, opt for the 1/3-less fat cream cheese. Feel free to garnish the pie with chocolate curls (take a vegetable peeler to a bar of chocolate) and piped whipped cream along the border.

I served the pie for dessert after dinner with friends last night. The pie was a hit so I think it's a keeper. They described the pie as "rich frozen peanut butter fudge," and a "peanut butter cheesecake."


Poogan’s Peanut Butter Pie

1-8 oz Package Cream Cheese

1 cup Powdered Sugar

3/4 cup Creamy or Chunky Peanut Butter

1 t Vanilla

1/2 cup Whipping Cream, whipped

1-9 inch Baked Pie Crust (the pastry type, not the graham cracker crust)

* Beat cream cheese until soft and fluffy.

* Beat in sugar, peanut butter and vanilla.

* Slowly fold in whipped cream until well blended.

* Pour into baked pie crust and freeze until ready to serve.

* Remove from freezer and let soften 20 to 30 minutes before serving.

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