Best Of 2020

WIM HOF - THE ICEMAN: How To Master Your Human Potential

Breathing Exercises & Cold Immersion

Wim Hof is AKA “The Iceman” holds the world record for the longest ice bath, lasting over 1 hour and 52 minutes, and 20 other world records for feats performed while withstanding the cold. Wim has climbed Mount Everest and Mount Kilimanjaro in just shorts and shoes and has scientifically demonstrated that the Wim Hof Method of breathing enables anyone to control their core body temperature and immune system.

Ice Baths & World Records

I love Wim Hof

The original Iceman, Wim has broken all the world records for submerging himself in the cold.

Wim has climbed both Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Everest in his shorts, he has swum under the ice for 66 meters, and he believes his breathing techniques and cold water shock therapyare the solutions to many of our mental and physical health problems.

The Wim Hof Method

Wim Hof’s Method enables him to control his core body temperature and immune system, and can be learned by anyone.

His ultimate goals are to end all disease; to facilitate a paradigm shift towards health; to promote care for our planet, and to bring back love and happiness for all people by encouraging them to get in touch with the cold.

I love spending time with Wim, and his methodology is incredible. I firmly believe we all need to embrace his ideas and change our own physiology. 

Join us as we discuss:

  • Immune health, stress mechanisms, and the autonomic immune system
  • The death of his wife, depression, and PTSD
  • Cannabinoids, opioids, and Elon Musk
  • Space X, your dream state and subconsciousness
  • Endorphins, cortisone, and DNA
  • Telomeres, DMT, and controlling your breath
  • His new child, enlightenment, and problems with the ego

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